Author: dennis

Making Rulers and Grids in Postscript…

Recently I described a very simple technique of how one can calibrate their printer for accuracy when printing out postscript coded documents. Therefore, after one has fully calibrated their printer, accurate rulers and grids can be made pretty easily. There are a many reasons why someone would want to have printable rulers and grids: You …

Printer Calibration…

To start we should define calibration; from wikipedia: Calibration is the comparison of measurement values delivered by a device under test with those of a calibration standard of known accuracy.  Such a standard could be another measurement device of known accuracy, a device generating the quantity to be measured such as a voltage, a sound tone, …

Pentaflakes & Hexaflakes…

After I made my Sierpinski triangle and square fractals, I started googling and noticed that they belonged to the family of n-flake objects. I became a bit curious and had to make a few of them myself. And of course I used postscript to try to keep an obscure/archaic language alive for another day. The …

Latex Title Pages…

When I was in elementary school, we always had to make title pages for every new unit that we going to study. Making a title page, made a boring subject (like Canadian history) fun. At the University level things have quickly migrated to an all digital environment so title pages are not really that necessary …

Useful Latex Basics and Tips…

So, I like to use Latex for my documents. In school, I was required to type out all my reports and this included everything including any math, chemical structures, electric circuit diagrams, and whatever else. At first my Latex usage was more on the experimental side, then after a few documents I fully jumped in …

Postscript Fractals…

This is a silly fun thing to do on a rainy day. Postscript is a language that might not be in fashion anymore. Perhaps it might be because it is a bit backwards since it is a stack-based language and was designed to be used by machines (that is printers) rather than people. It is …

PDF Calendar Making in Python

So I wanted to have a calendar on paper that I could put on my fridge and see how much time I’ve been wasting. I know that there are more than enough programs out there that can accomplish this task, however I still wanted to make one myself. I was a bit inspired by this …

Covid-19 Music… part 52… Aphex Twin, Selected Ambient Works 85-92

Aphex Twin, Selected Ambient Works 85-92, R&S Records… To celebrate a big slew of marking once (I believe I completed a few weeks worth in a few days), I treated myself and bought a few records. Among the purchases was this one which I already had a copy on CD. I have to say that …

Covid-19 Music… part 51… Autechre, Keynell

Autechre, Gescom, Keynell, Warp Records 1996. Since I bought the first Gescom – Keynell release, the kind folks at the record store thought that I would be more than interested in this one. So they ordered it in and put it on hold thinking that I would for sure buy it. I eventually did, but …

Covid-19 Reading… part 4… Chaos TextBook

Encounters with Chaos by Denny Gulick… Years and years ago this was a textbook for a course that I took. I have to admit that I did not have the necessary math background to understand everything. With covid I felt it was perhaps a good time to reread it. Apparently, there is a new edition …