Tag: Javascript

Lorenz attractor amusement with Three.js…

First I should admit the two main reasons why I made this project: I wanted to get some experience using Three.js; that is experience in making a 3D web elements. In the past, I have experimented a bit with WebGL, however I wanted to try out a library that could make 3D development a bit easier …

Some more Lagrangian Problems…

This the continuation to the first set of Lagrangian problems/solutions. While it might be a bit foolish to solve such problems, there are a few reasons why they were done: Its good practice to solve some problems that are a little bit different from the norm. It’s good to be forced to think in different ways …

Extra WordPress Site Setup…

A little while ago I wrote up some of the key details on making a WordPress based website on Google cloud. In this post, a few additional things are discussed which make a WordPress setup a little nicer in terms of data and visualization. Google Analytics… Google Analytics can be included either with a plugin …

Lagrangian Pendulum Problems…

This project was more of a large side project than anything else. Its main purpose was to practice making some interactive graphics using the HTML Canvas. Also, it also served to help remember some of the basics with Lagrangian mechanics. Making this project was rather fun. Depending on the workload, more Lagrangian problems will be …

Non-Linear Regression… using Python, Javascript, NumPy, and TensorFlow

This is a continuation to the previous linear regression document. However this time the focus is on a few different ways to perform non-linear regression using Javascript and various Python frameworks (such as NumPy, SciKitLearn, and TensorFlow). Quadratic Regression Perhaps this is the first logical step beyond linear regression. A parabola of best fit is …

Looking at the SEIR Virus Model…

The SIR Model is a little basic and does not model Covid-19 very well. The SEIR model introduces extra parameters that can make the modelling a bit more accurate. The main change is the introduction of a new ‘exposed’ compartment, so we now have Susceptible, Exposed, Infected, and Recovered (or removed) compartments: There is a …

Solving the SIR Virus Model…

Due to the current covid-19 outbreak there has been a fair bit of interest in virus modelling lately. The models that the media have published/produced vary from the over simplified (and often incorrect) to the complex (with many missing details). I have already looked at numeric simulations using a bouncing ball model, this time a …

Visual Simulations of Virus Propagations…

With the current Covid-19 pandemic, there has been some talk about virus propagation in the media. It seems that there is a lot missing among the various news sources. I find that their explanations to either be not technical enough or just missing a lot of key details. Also, I expect that certain types of …

Sudoku Puzzle Solving…

I have been playing far too much Sudoku lately. Therefore, instead of taking the drastic step of kicking the habit, I decided to go a bit deeper into it by writing some code and make a Sudoku solver (or even a few of them). I believe that this project has worked in that I no …

Fourier Series plots…

Back in my TA days (or daze), I helped out on one course that was a mix of numeric methods and MatLab programming. Most students were ok, but there was a bit of a struggle with the Fourier series. Perhaps it was a problem with the integration or it was general issues with their math …