Tag: MachineLearning

Predicting Handwritten Numbers with the MNIST dataset and TensorFlow.js…

Using an already trained network from a previous project, it is possible to make a tool that predicts what the value of number actually is from a primitive sketch of it. The overall tool is a small web app consisting of few different elements, namely: A pretrained convolutional neural network (CNN) based on the MNIST …

Using Convolutional Neural Networks with the MNIST Image Set…

Previously the MNIST dataset was used in the examination of different classification techniques. This includes a variety of machine learning algorithms (including random forests, logistic regression, and xgboost), and simple neural networks. This time around, a few convolutional neural networks will be used to conclude the experiments with MNIST classifiers. Convolutional neural networks (or CNNs) …

MNIST Image Set with a Simple Neural Network…

Recently the MNIST image set was examined with some popular machine learning algorithms (including logistic regression, random forests, and xgBoost). This time a simple neural network is used to perform the classification. There is quite a bit of information about neural networks out there already, so the background information is being largely omitted. The key …

MNIST Image Set with Simple Machine Learning models…

This project is more of a ‘Hello World’ type of project in the world of machine learning and image processing. The MNIST dataset is a set of 70,000 images (that is 60,000 for training and 10,000 for testing) of handwritten digits of from 0 to 9. The MNIST images is perhaps one of the better …