Category: Books

Unemployment Reading pt. 2… Things to Make and do in the Fourth Dimension

Part two of my current unemployment reading list is… Things to Make and Do in the Fourth Dimension by Matt Parker. I first came across Mr Matt Parker via his numerous youtube videos. They are in the ‘funny math with often a bit of ridiculousness’ category. Through his videos, I eventually made my way to his first book …

Unemployment Reading pt. 1… The Rap Yearbook

Having a Covid music playlist section shows that I like to (slowly) make lists/groupings of various items. I am hoping that this new list won’t be too long since its length is inversely proportional to my employment success. I do like to read, however sometimes I fall behind with my reading list. Also, I will …

Covid-19 Reading… part 4… Chaos TextBook

Encounters with Chaos by Denny Gulick… Years and years ago this was a textbook for a course that I took. I have to admit that I did not have the necessary math background to understand everything. With covid I felt it was perhaps a good time to reread it. Apparently, there is a new edition …

Covid-19 Reading… part 3… Flatland

Flatland by Edwin A. Abbott… I remember a long time ago, in my university undergrad daze, these guys I knew took a philosophy course where they read this book. I overheard what sounded like a great conversation, and they suggested that I should read the book as well. At the time, I didn’t read this …

Covid-19 Reading… part 2… D3 DataViz

So one of my projects right now involves plotting differential equations. I want to make an interactive web-based tool to play around with the solution to a set of differential equations. In my recent course we used a few different data visualization tools and they all had some issues: Matplotlib… can only make static graphs …

Covid-19 Reading… part 1… Flu Book

So I found this book at some charity used book sale a few years ago and was able to get it for $1. Didn’t read it at the time but I was looking at my bookshelf and thought that this might be the best time to read it. So, I’m not going to do a …

Covid-19 Music… part 1… Lee Morgan, The Sidewinder

So I have been stuck at home and listening to a lot of records lately. So try to catalog my listening by way of this blog. Starting things off with a heavy hitter: Lee Morgan, The Sidewinder, Blue Note Records… Once, at the record store this guy swooped in and bought this one record in …