Tag: Music-BlueNote

Covid-19 Music… part 39… John Coltrane, Blue Train

John Coltrane, Blue Train, Blue Note Records… A perfect record can’t say much of anything or I will take away from how good it is. For all my excursions to record stores, I never came across this in the used bin; I so I had to buy this one new. I like putting this album …

Covid-19 Music… part 13… MadLib, Shades of Blue

MadLib, Shades of Blue, Blue Note… I used to play this crazy trivia game online and the prize was Amazon gift cards. So I got this album for free from for being a trivia master. There are so many pictures of Madlib out there with these crazy glasses. Maybe after the Rona is over I’m …

Covid-19 Music… part 2… Grant Green, The Final Comedown

So a little while ago this one record store in my neighbourhood has a special sale on used records. The place was packed and I ended up in the classical section. Not sure why but this record was in that section… that is the wrong section. Its early 70s Grant Green on Blue Note… so …

Covid-19 Music… part 1… Lee Morgan, The Sidewinder

So I have been stuck at home and listening to a lot of records lately. So try to catalog my listening by way of this blog. Starting things off with a heavy hitter: Lee Morgan, The Sidewinder, Blue Note Records… Once, at the record store this guy swooped in and bought this one record in …